Howdy low-carbers! I hope you all are doing well. The weather is finally warming up here in beautiful Montreal and I could not be any happier about it. Today’s recipe is a spin on a classic from my childhood. It’s warm, cozy, low-carb and full of love. You know what I’m talking about right? Keto Chicken Parmesan!

I can’t tell you how much I love this recipe.


First of all, let’s get something out of the way. No, you do not need an air fryer to make this. There is no breading involved. Yes, it tastes just as good. And no, it will not put you in a food coma.

You know the type of coma I’m talking about right? Italian style. The type that feels like a hangover that can only be cured by a solid 2-hour nap.

Well, 2 hours at the least.

I’m happy to tell you that this recipe will do none of that to you. You can take it to work with you and know that your productivity will not dip after your lunch.

Or maybe it will, but it won’t be the chicken’s fault.



If your aim is to make the most tender & juicy keto chicken parmesan, you should make sure to respect these 3 things:

  1. Your chicken breast slices should be roughly the same thickness. This will guarantee an even amount of cooking. NO DRY BITS!
  2. Sear your chicken breast on high heat for 2-4 minutes on each side, or just until you get some colour on it.
  3. Don’t cook it through as it will continue cooking in the oven. If you don’t respect this, you chicken breasts will be dry and rubbery and you will hate it. This leads to another home chef tip: always read the recipe through from start to finish before starting your recipe to make sure that you won’t miss anything or so at least the steps of the recipe make sense as you go.



  1. 4 Chicken Breasts
  2. 1 Cup of diced tomatoes
  3. Olive oil. You can never have too much of it.
  4. 1 Garlic cloves
  5. Herbes de provence, I know, not a classic Italian but I love it.
  6. Some Grated Mozzarella & Parmesan
  7. Salt & Pepper

For this recipe we will not be making our sauce using onions. Why? CARBS!

When you’re on a Keto diet, you want to make sure that you keep your carb intake low. Onions will get in the way of that.

Advice for Ketoers: If you find that the protein intake is much too high for you, and you prefer to have a higher fat intake, swap the chicken breast for deboned skinless chicken thighs. You will have to cook them a bit longer though, but they will stay very moist and tender.

Keto Chicken Parmesan

This is an easy and quick recipe to make Keto Chicken Parmesan. Only 7 Ingredients Needed.

 Course Main Dish
 Cuisine Keto / Low Carb
 Prep Time 5 minutes
 Cook Time 25 minutes
 Total Time 30 minutes
 Servings 4 Servings
 Author Idriss


  • 4 Chicken Breasts
  • 1 Cup of diced tomatoes
  • 1 Cup Shredded Mozzarella.
  • 1/2 Cup Grated Parmesan
  • 3 Tbsp Olive oil. extra virgin. You can add more if you’re a big fan.
  • 1 Garlic clove
  • 1 tbsp Herbes de provence or any dried herbs you like
  • Salt & Pepper to taste


  1. Start by cutting your chicken breasts into horizontal cutlets. They should be about 1/4 inch thick and each chicken breast should make 3 cutlets.

  2. Preheat your oven to 425F.

  3. Warm up a skillet on high heat and add 1 Tbsp of olive oil to it. Sear your chicken cutlets on high heat for 2-3 minutes on each side, or until you get a little color on them. Transfer to a baking sheet covered with parchemin paper.

  4. Warm up a sauce pan on medium heat and add your diced tomatoes and olive oil. Finely mince your garlic and add it to the sauce. Add Salt & Pepper and taste your sauce to see if it is to your liking.

  5. Scoop one tbsp of sauce on top of each chicken cutlet, sprinkle some shredded cheese and your dried herbs. Repeat until all the chicken is coated and ready to bake.

  6. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until the cheese bubbles and turns a little golden. The more you leave it in the oven, the crispier it’s going to get. Take out and let it cool down for 10 minutes before serving.

  7. Enjoy

Recipe Notes

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