Probiotics are Great for Digestive Health, but they can be pricey. Here is an Easy Homemade Sauerkraut Recipe so you can make your own probiotics at home!
- cabbage
- salt
- organic bay leavesĀ (optional)
- organic caraway seedsĀ (optional)
- Slice cabbage thinly. This can be done with a knife, a mandolin slicer, or the slicing attachment on a food processor.
- For every kilo of cabbage, mix with 20g of salt, or, for every pound of cabbage, mix with 9g of salt, about 2 tsp of finely ground salt.
- Toss cabbage and salt with your hands so it is well distributed and let rest, about one hour.
- Knead/massage the cabbage with your hands, to encourage more juice to come out. Add optional bay leaves (about 1 per lb) and/or caraway seeds (about 1 tsp per lb).
- Pack tightly into a jar. I usually grab a handful, drop it into the jar, and then use my fist to push it down well. You can also use a pounder, or something like a thick stick.
- Once all the cabbage is in, make sure there is enough liquid (from kneading) to cover the cabbage by about an inch. Weigh the cabbage down, as discussed above.
- Put a lid on the jar. Be aware that you will need to occasionally let the C02 out that will accumulate.
- Set it out of direct sunlight and let sit for at least 4-6 weeks. 4 weeks is the minimum required for the full cycle of probiotics to develop. Exact fermenting times will depend on ambient temperature and your tastes. The sauerkraut pictured has sat for a month, and it could use a little more time.
- Put in the fridge to slow fermentation. Enjoy probiotic goodness!