In this day and age, everyone is always concerned about their size and weight. It’s a rather bothersome fact, but we all know that it is healthier and appealing to be slim and in shape. Something that many people don’t know is that the appearance of your body depends mainly on what you eat, and less on how active you are in terms of working out, etc.

However, with all the different types of diets you read about in magazines, books or articles and hear about on TV, it can become pretty confusing to know which weight loss methods is truly the most effective to blast off the fat and look your absolute best.

That’s why we’ve come up with this 800 calorie diet meal plan that you will need to follow only for a mere week to get you started on the right track.

Free 800 Calorie Keto Meal Plan For Quick Fat Loss
Free 800 Calorie Keto Meal Plan For Quick Fat Loss

The 800 calorie diet meal plan

By now, you are probably wondering what our amazing 800 calorie diet meal plan entails. The diet plan we have devised is specially formulated to make you feel satiated and pleased while you cleanse your body and begin to lose weight.

-Day 1


  • One large peach (70 calories)
  • One apple (100 calories)
  • One egg (65 calories)


  • 100g low-fat cottage cheese (90 calories)


  • 150g tuna (275 calories)
  • A plate of vegetables, lightly stir fried (110 calories)


  • 1/3 cup of cooked oatmeal (90 calories)

-Day 2


  •  1 slice wholegrain bread (70 calories)
  • One banana (100 calories)


  • 100g oil-free kale chips (50 calories)


  • Low-Calorie BBQ Chicken Pizza (400 calories)


  • 50g chicken (120 calories)
  • A small plate of veggies salad (50 calories)

-Day 3


  • Two cups of almond milk (80 calories)
  • 200g of oatmeal made with water (140 calories) with one tbsp honey (65 calories)
  • 110g sliced tomatoes (20 calories)


  • Any tea without sugar/milk (0-2 calories)
  • 200g cucumbers (30 calories)


  • 100g beef (265)
  • A large plate of fresh veggies with vinaigrette (90 calories)


  • Grilled Caribbean Chicken Breasts (110 calories)

-Day 4


  • Two eggs (130 calories)
  • Two slices rye bread (140 calories)
  • 200g tomatoes (approx. 30 calories)


  • One low-fat fruit yogurt (approx. 100 calories)
  • 200g of mango (120 calories)


  • 365g stir fried veggies (180 calories)


  • 1 wholegrain bread slice (70 calories)
  • 1 tsp low-fat olive oil spread (approx 30 calories)

-Day 5


  • 150g of any wholegrain cereal (approx. 200 calories)
  • One apple (100 calories)
  • Small chunk of cheese (30 calories)


  • Tea without sugar or milk (0-2 calories)


  • 1 mashed sweet potato (105 calories)
  • 150g of any fish (approx. 275 calories)


  • Small wholegrain pita bread (70 calories)
  • 40g fresh mixed vegetables e.g. tomatoes, lettuce, onions, etc. (approx, 20 calories)

-Day 6


  • 150g low-fat cottage cheese (approx. 150 calories)
  • 1 slice wholegrain bread (70 calories)
  • One banana (100 calories)


  • 1 boiled sweet potato with grated cheese (120 calories)


  • 40g of avocado (70 calories) with black pepper


  • 200g lobster (180 calories)
  • 1/2 cup cooked brown rice (110 calories)

-Day 7


  • 1 cup of cooked steel cut oats (170 calories)
  • Black tea with low-fat milk (approx. 60 calories)
  • One small peach (40 calories)


  • Small apple with peanut butter (90 calories)


  • 100g chicken (240 calories)
  • 1/2 cup cooked quinoa (110 calories)


  •  Mixed vegetable salad with vinaigrette (90 calories)

The combination of 800 calories diet

And there you have it—your 800 calorie diet meal plan is complete. Follow these steps to a T for seven days in a row, and you will see some massive changes in your body. Your bloating will be reduced, fat will be significantly less visible, and you will just feel cleaner and fresher, with more energy.

This diet has been designed to be high in fiber, and with a decent amount of protein. The reason for these two key points is because fiber and protein are two nutrients that help to keep you satiated and prevent hunger.

In addition to that, the fruit was added in each and every day of the week for that boost of detoxification and hydration, as well as a fair bit of vegetables for extra vitamins, here are 22 simple fruit and veggie detox can help through your program. 

As a last minute reminder, I’d just like to say that it is a good idea to consult with your doctor before beginning this diet plan if you are someone with any kind of medical condition, just so that you can be on the safe side.